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English translation for "asymmetrical relationship"


Related Translations:
asymmetrical:  不对称的不均匀的非对称的
asymmetrical fiber:  不对称纤维
asymmetrical wear:  不对称磨损
asymmetrical modulation:  不对称调制
asymmetrical curve:  非对称曲线
asymmetrical drainage:  不对称水系
asymmetrical peak:  不对称峰
asymmetrical varistor:  不对称型变阻器
asymmetrical load:  不平衡负荷非对称负载
asymmetrical control:  单相非对称控制非对称管制
Example Sentences:
1.The two findings to be presented are as follows : 1 ) the question - answer patterns observed in a doctor - patient consultation reflect an asymmetrical relationship in which the doctor plays the dominant role while the patient the subordinate one . 2 ) however , by choosing appropriate follow - up responses to the answers provided by patients , doctors are able to build a more symmetrical interaction
我们所要介绍的二个议题包括了, ( 1 )医病沟通过程里的问答句使用情形显示了医师与病人之间为上对下之不平等的互动关系; ( 2 )藉由适当的回应病人可以营造一个较平等之互动。
2.This paper aims at distinguishing referential and literal meanings and its affect on the translation of idioms , and through a study of the asymmetrical relationship between cultural differences and meaning , at demonatrating how knowledge of the cultural differences between the source and target languages will influence idiom translation
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